Monday, December 8, 2014

Getting Ready to serve

 I will be serving on the Africa Mercy ship this winter. Here is some information about me. Who I am, the opportunity which has been given to me, and where I am going. 

 I am a nurse. As a nurse, I have always had the desire to help people in any way that I can, with the skills that I have been blessed with. A dream that I have always had is to volunteer my skills in a significant way for others in a nation other than the United States.  One year ago, I applied, and was awarded, a one semester sabbatical from my work as nursing faculty at St. Petersburg College, (in St. Petersburg, Florida, U.S.A. ) to pursue this dream.  This sabbatical is allowing me the opportunity of a lifetime to provide my nursing skills for others much less fortunate than me. 

I  applied, and was accepted to join the Africa Mercy hospital ship. The ship usually serves in West Africa, but with the outbreak of Ebola,  has changed their planned field service location several times and is now docked in Madagascar, Africa.  I will travel to Madagascar on January10, 2015, and spend 2 months on the ship.  I will be working for 4 weeks in a pediatric ward and 4 weeks in an adult ward, caring for people who will receive significant surgeries which will greatly enhance their lives. 

The mission of the Africa Mercy Ship (per their website) is “To Change the world… one nation… one community…one life at a time.” This mission statement aligns with my own beliefs, and being a participant will be a life-changing opportunity for me.

 For more information about the ship, please see this link- 

The opportunity to work on the Africa Mercy hospital ship will be gratifying for me both on a personal and professional level. The idea of making a positive difference in a person’s life is a goal each day as I care for patients and work with nursing students in my current working career.  Working in a third world country will enable me to impact lives in a meaningful way, fulfilling what nursing is all about for me. Bringing the mercy of Jesus to those less fortunate on the other side of the world will challenge me in immeasurable ways. 

I am excited, and nervous to go on this trip. Even though I teach nursing, and am in the hospital with patients often, am I up to the challenge of caring for these people? I hope so. I hope I can be an effective helper to those I meet, both care givers and patients. 

I will be writing here about my preparation for the trip and updates from Africa- stay tuned! 
And-- thanks for your thoughts of support for me while I am gone. 


Although I am currently serving with Mercy Ships, everything communicated here strictly reflects my personal opinions and is neither reviewed nor endorsed by Mercy Ships. Opinions, conclusions, and other information expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of Mercy Ships.